Hayley SPROULL - comedian

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Sanjay PATEL

Sanjay is a mix of surreal, dark but clever humour delivered deadpan as ....

As seen on TV as Guy Williams' assistant on 'New Zealand Today', a tech store assistant on Double Parked and the host's assistant on Guy Montgomery's 'Guy Mont-Spelling Bee'.

Sanjay is a stand-up performer, comedy writer and also has often been described as an "okay" human being by himself.

He has performed on the NZ comedy circuit and has established himself as seasoned performer, having now done solo shows at numerous NZ International Comedy Festivals as well as performing internationally as part of the Melbourne Comedy International Comedy Festival.

He has a cult following on Twitter however it's on stage where his comedy really shines.


"All in all, his jokes were subtle, slow-paced and deadpan - it's the type of humour I enjoy, so I loved it." - TV3

"Deadpan delivery from Sanjay Patel had the crowd in stitches" - Keeping Up With NZ

"Deadpan as fuck. Real Highlight" - thedailyblog.co.nz

"Patel...is a must see for anyone who loves subtle and straight¬face comedy" - libel.co.nz


Watch Sanjay at The Basement Theatre in April 2016


Follow Sanjay on Twitter: @spat106
Like Sanjay on Facebook: Sanjay Patel Comedian


2015 Funniest Twitterer - NZ Comedy Guild Awards

2010 Raw Comedy Quest Runner-up - NZ International Comedy Festival