Heta  DAWSON - comedian

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Rhian Wood-Hill

Young up and coming comedian based in Wellington

A young up-and-coming comedian based in Wellington

Rhian is a regular on Raw Meat and Hard Cases as well as gigs amongst the Wellington circuit. 

Catch him on his tour around NZ in the personal 1-hour show 'How I Met My Father'. 
It's a classic Kiwi tale of finding out who the bloody hell your Dad is.

With a perfect balance of comedy and drama, wild anecdotes and down-to- earth moments, How I Met My Father is both honest and hilarious: An hour where you are invited to laugh wholeheartedly at someone else’s misfortune.

Tickets, dates and venues available on Eventfinda.co.nz 



WINNER – Best Comedy (Nelson Fringe Festival, 2018)
WINNER – Most Improved Performer (Wellington Comedy Awards, 2017)
WINNER – plenty of poker games
LOSER – a few more poker games

A Mulled Whine
WINNER – Most Promising Emerging Artist (NZ Fringe, 2018)
WINNER – Best Marketing (NZ Fringe, 2018)
WINNER – Fringe in the ‘Stings Tour Award (NZ Fringe, 2018)
NOMINATED - Best at Admin (NZ International Comedy Festival, 2018)