Hayley SPROULL - comedian

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James Falconer


A fresh face on the local scene originally from the USA.

Jonathan Falconer has been performing comedy regularly since 2013, starting out in Salt Lake City, Utah, then New York City, and finally Dunedin, New Zealand. While in America he completed a PhD in Pharmaceutical Chemistry to help advance his comedy career, before moving to New Zealand to make it big. He has featured on shows across the United States from California to New York City and internationally in Germany and Australia.

He has opened for prominent comedians including Dan Cummins, Shane Mauss, Sean Rouse, and Urzila Carlson. Jonathan has a sharp wit and a bright smile that makes it easy to laugh at depressing subjects. He has performed at the Idaho Laugh Fest, Golden Spike Comedy Festival, and the Dunedin Fringe Festival. In 2015, he was runner up for the Best Comedian in Utah Award by City Weekly.