Hayley SPROULL - comedian

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JCarr 2022


The Godfather of Geriatric Rap - NZ's oldest new comedian

Better known in Otahuhu as the J Doggg or The Godfather of Geriatric Rap, John Carr is the first  performer to make to make the difficult transition from hard edged street rap to stand-up comedy  without missing a beat.

Giving up a 55 year quest to be taken seriously, Carr joined the world of stand-up comedy in 2010 and hasn't looked back. He has become a popular performer in Auckland, has a cult following in Hamilton, and gets completely ignored by audiences in Browns Bay.


 Video: John Carr performing a few of his raps


In 2013 John picked up the trophy for Outstanding Artistic Achievement at the New Zealand Comedy Guild's Awards Dinner. Sadly for him it was on behalf of Rhys Darby who had a previous engagement.