Jasper POOLE - comedian

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As seen on Wellington Paranormal and the NZ Comedy Gala

Lower Hutt's favourite raconteur, Jerome Chandrahasen has performed around Aotearoa for the past 15 years. He has taken his solo shows to the Edinburgh Fringe, the NZ Fringe, and a nice little pub up in Kāpiti. 


"fluid, funny, casual and brilliant: a comedian in his prime" - Theatreview
"had the audience hanging off every word...uniquely enjoyable" - The Lumiere Reader
"Chandrahasen's calibre as a comedian is brilliant; don't miss anything he might do in the future" - Nelson Mail

"His crowd work is exceptional...as Kiwi as it gets" - Regional News
"proves himself once again a master of the comedic arts" - Art Murmurs


Video: Jerome Chandrahasen NZ Comedy Gala https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c47V-TEWRWE


Review: Club Sandwich https://www.regionalnews.kiwi/reviews/club-sandwich-stand-up-comedy-all-stars

Review: NZ Comedy Festival http://www.artmurmurs.nz/theatre/jerome-chandrahasen-five-fun-facts-about-falcons

Review: NZ Comedy Festival https://www.theatreview.org.nz/production/five-fun-facts-about-finland-jerome-chandrahasen/#fluid-funny-casual-and-brilliant


Follow Jerome on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/jchandra5011/

Follow Jerome on Twitter @JeromeChandra


2006 Billy T Comedy Award nominee - NZ International Comedy Festival 

2005 Best Newcomer  - NZ International Comedy Festival 

2004 Raw Comedy Quest Winner - NZ International Comedy Festival