Barnie DUNCAN - comedian

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Imaan Frankl HADCHITI (Aust)

Globe-trotting Aussie comedian

Don't miss Imaan in his set of well travelled, insightful comedy.

Lebanese by blood, Australian by birth, European by Circumstance

''This is a performer at the top of his game."

An original, risk taking and soul searching comedian, Imaan possesses an authentically distinct point of view many fear or fail to see.

Standing at just 3.5 ft, Imaan holds a Guinness World Record, for 'The Worlds Shortest (full- time) Comedian'; finally, all of his hard work of breathing and continuing to exist has paid off.
But that is all secondary information Frank has forged himself as an Internationally renowned comedian.
  " quality stand up" ★★★★ Mumble Comedy

  “...has his audience hooting with laughter.”★★★★ Edinburgh Spotlight

With over 15+ years of performing and  5 continents later,

Imaan has had repeat sell out shows at Edinburgh , Perth and Adelaide Fringes & Touring Asia and Melbourne International Comedy Festivals.
He has also graced the stages of Glastonbury and Woodford music festivals in a cabaret capacity.

 “Part dirty, part heart-wrenching, part touching and all-exposing'' ★★★★ Adelaide Advertiser

After years on the road he is always ready to deliver his disarmingly cheeky and honest comedy.

"Hadchiti is a total gem. Not only is his schtick and his outlook infectious and hilarious, but an hour with him is                    made poignant and exciting by his striking freshness, and his total honesty". ★★★★ Broadway Baby 2019