Josh THOMSON - comedian

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Fan Brigade

A musical comedy duo taking New Zealand comedy by storm

Director's Choice at the 2018 NZ International Comedy Festival

The Fan Brigade is a musical comedy duo taking New Zealand comedy by storm.

Their fast rise and reliably hilarious performances led to a sold out season of their award-winning 2016 show Ask the Fan Brigade. This was followed by another sold-out season in 2017 with Don’t Ask the Fan Brigade.
They were a hit sensation as part of the “best of the fest” NZ-wide tour, the Best Foods Mayo Best Comedy Show on Earth, and can be found ripping the sh*t out of their enemies on a comedy stage near you.

As seen on TV: The Project, NZ Comedy Gala, AotearoHA, 7 Days.



Their musical performances are creative and intellectual masterpieces” - Metro Magazine

“…Brilliantly bawdy, fabulously facetious and exceedingly entertaining… riotous and wildly audacious” - Appetite for the Arts 

The funniest new act in NZ for years.” - Brendhan Lovegrove

The two singer girls. One with little guitar. I laughed. And laugh. And laugh some m0re.” - Some punter on the Classic Comedy Club facebook page

"You better not f*cking write a song about me." – Amanda's dad

"..." – Livi's absent dad

"Feminazi c*nts, rot in hell" – Men's rights activists on Twitter


The Fan Brigade on TV3's 7 Days
The Fan Brigade on TV3's AotearoHa: Next Big Things


Follow The Fan Brigade on Twitter: @TheFanBrigade 
Like The Fan Brigade on Facebook: The Fan Brigade
Gawk at The Fan Brigade on Instagram: @TheFanBrigade


Awarded Director's Choice at the 2018 NZ International Comedy Festival 
Awarded Best Newcomer at the 2016 NZ International Comedy Festival for their show “Ask the Fan Brigade”
Awarded Best Newcomer at the 2014 NZ Comedy Guild Awards.