Tony LYALL - comedian

Names A- Z


Josiah Day

Josiah DAY

2018 Raw Comedy Quest Finalist - Highly commended!

Winner of the 2018 New Zealand Comedy Guild Awards for Best Newcomer and Best Joke, Josiah Day is a fresh face on the scene already impressing audiences and his peers alike with his unique brand of quickfire comedy. Keep an eye out for this young comedian as he continues to get better and better every gig.


2018 RAW Comedy Quest - Highly Commended

2018 NZ Comedy Guild Awards - Best Newcomer (Winner)

2018 NZ Comedy Guild Awards - Gag of the Year (Winner)

2018 NZ Comedy Guild Awards - Breakthrough Comedian Of The Year (Nominated)

2019 Mount Manganui New Act Comedy Competition - Winner

2019 That's A Bit Racist - TV Appearance