Tama ALEXANDER - comedian

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Joana Joy

Joana JOY

A rising star based in Wellington who is now breaking out on both sides of the Tasman

 "intriguing and refreshing" Theatreview

"she's that good" Adelaide Advertiser

Joana Joy is Wellington based comedian and MC with a bunch of stage time and accolades as cabaret comedian, Banana Jolie across the antipodes (Woodford Folk Fest, Splore Fest, Splendour in the Grass, MICF).

Also seen on ACC ads, Joana's 2023 has been a colossal year of touring, including her solo show STANDING STILL. She has performed and MC'd professional line up shows in Wellington, CHCH, Auckland, Adelaide ( winning 'Australia's Funniest State' stand up comedy competition at Adelaide Fringe Festival), Taranaki, Gisborne and Queenstown.

She has featured in lineups  alongside Ben Hurley, Cori Gonzalez, Joe Daymond , Tim Batt, Sameena Zehra, Advait Kirticar and other Welly pros. Having established her career in Melbourne, Joana Joy is still ramping up her career in her homeland and is stoked to be back at The Classic!